Saturday 17 May 2014

Event day!! 15/5/2014

Hye there! last Thursday, 15/5/2014 our group had created an event that took place at Tadika Ilham Sarjana, Parit Raja. The purpose of this event was to tell the children about the importance to keep our rivers clean. We called our event "Project Clean and Clear Jr". We arrived at the venue around 9.15 a.m. We introduced ourselves to the staffs there and told them about our activities that we prepared for the children. Then, we met the teachers and we asked them for the permission to carry on the class with our activities. The teachers granted it and we did the activities according to the plan. The teachers divided the children into 3 groups according to their age. Shafiq took charge in the group of 4 years old children, Farid in the group of 6 years old children and me, Ammar in the group of 5 years old children. These are some pictures about our activities. Enjoy!

All of the children

Coloring contest :-)

Group of 5 years old

Group of 4 years old children

Group of 6 years old children

Winners from each group.

Giving a talk on how to keep our rivers clean

A little gifts to all the children

The event ended. What a wonderful day :-).